Access to RSU Tilde machine translation e-service is open to all RSU employees and is available from RSU employee Portal quick links bar (see Figure 1).

Figure 1: RSU employee Portal home page

Alternatively, it is possible to open the Tilde machine translator e-service from RSU e-services system by selecting e-service [Translator] (see Figure 2).

Figure 2: e-service translator

Pressing the link opens the Tilde machine interpreter e-service, where you can:

  1. Select the original language of the text and the language in which the text should be translated (see Figure 3 point 1 and 2).
  2. Copy the text to be translated and translate it (see Figure 3 point 3). Text will translate in real time and appear in the window below.
  3. Load a file with text to be translated (seeFigure 3 point 4). Please note that the file has a maximum size of 29 MB.
  4. When the file is loaded, you must press the translate button to retrieve the translated file (see Figure 4).
  5. Once the file has been translated, it is possible to download it and make adjustments to it (see Figure 5).

Figure 3: machine translator e-service start form

Figure 4: translate a file

Figure 5: Download the translated file

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