Access to RSU Tilde machine translation e-service is open to all RSU employees and is available from RSU employee Portal quick links bar (see Figure 1).
Figure 1: RSU employee Portal home page
Alternatively, it is possible to open the Tilde machine translator e-service from RSU e-services system by selecting e-service [Translator] (see Figure 2).
Figure 2: e-service translator
Pressing the link opens the Tilde machine interpreter e-service, where you can:
- Select the original language of the text and the language in which the text should be translated (see Figure 3 point 1 and 2).
- Copy the text to be translated and translate it (see Figure 3 point 3). Text will translate in real time and appear in the window below.
- Load a file with text to be translated (seeFigure 3 point 4). Please note that the file has a maximum size of 29 MB.
- When the file is loaded, you must press the translate button to retrieve the translated file (see Figure 4).
- Once the file has been translated, it is possible to download it and make adjustments to it (see Figure 5).
Figure 3: machine translator e-service start form
Figure 4: translate a file
Figure 5: Download the translated file