By clicking on the tile "Applications & Inquiries" on the MyRSU or using the link you will be directed to the list of e-services that includes the option for Final Paper upload (screenshot No.1).
Screenshot No.1
The e-service form for Final Paper upload is specialised for each student.
Screenshot No.2
The basic information of the Final Paper (indicated by No. 1 on the screenshot No.3) will be completed automatically in the form.
If you see any errors in the title of your Paper in Latvian or English, please contact your student liaison person.
Screenshot No.3
Screenshot No.4
The annotation is a brief summary of the Final paper's content and shows ability to express ones thoughts concisely. Please take into account that the annotation field requires a minimum of 500 characters. Maximum capacity - 3000 characters.
Keywords are words that most accurately describe the topic of the Final Paper. Think about which words you would use if you wanted to find your Final Paper online. The annotation and keywords in the Latvian are optional.
Screenshot No.5
ATTENTION: Final Paper's format should be PDF, the attachments can be of almost any format. In case the attachment is in audio or video format it should be placed in Panopto. Than a link should be added here.
Field No. 1 on the screenshot No.6 is compulsory. Please read condition that are incorporated form of the Statement (Field No.2). By checking this you approve the Statement and there is no need to submit one separately.
Field No. 3 – mark it only if corresponds to your case.
Field No. 4 – mark only if you agree, otherwise leave it blank.
Field No. 5 - Clicking on "Cancel" will delete all previously made entries. If you want to stop working by saving the data you have entered so far and return to data input later, press "Save".
In order for the Final Paper to be available to the pre-defense commission (in case your programme provides for a pre-defense procedure) after uploading the paper click "Save" not "Save and Submit". After the pre-defense the existing file can be replaced by the final version of the Paper.
Field No. 6. Use it only when you have entered all the data and are ready to submit your Paper. You will no longer be able to make changes after this step!
Screenshot No.6