System description
Now students have access to the Student portal MyRSU mobile app which combines all the students' needs in one place. Student portal MyRSU contains all the essential needs such as timetable, e-studies, e-mail, grades, e-services (applications, public transport extension, scholarship, apply for ISIC an more).
Studējošā portāls MyRSU
- Iespēja redzēt gan drukas, gan kopējo bilanci
- Ziņas un turpmāk arī mobilie paziņojumi
- Strādā ar moodle lietotni
- Pieejams lekciju un nodarbību grafiks
- Pieejama karte ar visām RSU mācību vietām
- Informācijas paneļa personalizācija (paneļu izkārtojums un to noslēpšana), tādējādi padarot pēc iespējas personalizētāku, ņemot vērā katra prioritātes
Student portal MyRSU
- The ability to see both print and total balance
- News and notifications also in future
- Engaged with moodle app
- Available timetable
- Map with all the RSU Study rooms
- Dashboard personalization (arrangement of tiles and visibility), thus making it as personalised as possible, taking into account each priority