Rīgas Stradiņa universitātes (RSU) studējošajiem ir iespēja bezmaksas izmantot pakalpojumu Microsoft 365, kas ietver programmas MS Word, MS Excel, MS Powepoint, MS OneNote un Microsoft Teams. Lai sāktu izmantot šo iespēju, studentiem ir jāpiereģistrējas ar derīgu RSU e-pastu zemāk norādītajā saitē.
Students of Riga Stradiņš University (RSU) have the opportunity to use the Microsoft 365 service for free, which includes programs such as MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS OneNote, and Microsoft Teams. To start using this service, students must register with a valid RSU email at the link provided below.
Students var uzinstalēt Microsoft Office programmas, tostarp Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote uz piecām dažādām ierīcem.
Studentiem pieejams OneDrive mākoņpakalpojums ar 1024 GB lielu mākoņkrātuvi.
Microsoft programmas studentiem pieejamas visu studiju laiku un vienu gadu pēc universitātes absolvēšanas.
Students can install Microsoft Office programs, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote, on up to five different devices.
Students also have access to the OneDrive cloud service with 1024 GB of cloud storage.
Microsoft programs are available to students throughout their studies and for one year after graduation.
Microsoft 365 uzstādīšana
Uz PC un Mac iekārtām:
- Apmeklē Office365.rsu.lv
- Autorizējies ar RSU lietotājvārdu (studentaID@rsu.edu.lv)
- Nospied uz Install and more → Install Microsoft 365 apps
Uz iOS un Android iekārtām:
- Šeit var lejupielādēt attiecīgo programmu lietotnes
- iOS: Word, Excel, PowerPoint
- Android: Microsoft Office Mobile vai Word; Excel; PowerPoint
- Autorizējies ar RSU lietotājvārdu (piem.: studentaID@rsu.edu.lv) un sāc lietot!
To start using Microsoft Office legal software:
On PC and Mac:
- Visit Office365.rsu.lv.
- Log in with your RSU username (e.g., studentID@rsu.edu.lv).
- Choose your preferred language and download the software.
For iOS and Android devices:
You can download the applications for the programs here:
- iOS: Word, Excel, PowerPoint
- Android: Microsoft Office Mobile or Word, Excel, PowerPoint
Log in with your RSU username (e.g., studentID@rsu.edu.lv) and start using!