Pēc paroles nomaiņas var rasties problēma pierakstīties MS Teams un Outlook kontos.
Lietotājam tiek ziņots kļūdas paziņojums “Something went wrong”.
Lai atrisinātu problēmu “Something went wrong” lietotājam ir nepieciešams izrakstīties no visām ierīcēm.
Lai šo izdarītu dodamies uz saiti https://myaccount.microsoft.com/ un sadaļā Overview, zem Jūsu vārda ir iespēja Sign out everywhere.
After password change there can be a problem where you can't log in to MS Teams and Outlook.
User gets prompted with an error message "Something went wrong".
To fix error message "Something went wrong" user has to log out of Microsoft account on all devices.
To do this user has to go to https://myaccount.microsoft.com/, under Overview there is a button Sign out everywhere.