In english
Atveriet ZOOM lietotni un spiediet uz "Sign in" | Image Modified
Open ZOOM app and click on "Sign in"
Spiediet uz atslēgas ikoniņas zem pierakstīšanās laukiem | Image Modified
Choose key (SSO) as the sign in option | Tukšajā domēna lauciņā ierakstiet "rsu" un spiediet "Continue" | Image Modified
Type "rsu" in the empty domain field and click on "Continue" |
Atvērsies RSU pierakstīšanās logs. Ievadiet savu RSU lietotājvārdu un paroli un nospiediet uz "Sign in" | Image Modified
A new window will open in your browser. Type in your RSU username and password and click on "Sign in" | Parādīsies uznirstošais lodziņš. Spiediet uz "Open Zoom Meetings" | Image Modified
A new pop-up window will appear. Click on "Open Zoom Meetings"