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Svarīgi! Lai varētu pieslēgties Testa videi , jābūt RSU tīklā vai izveidotam no MAC datora, jābūt izveidotam savienojumam ar RSU VPN! Vairāk informācija par VPN uzstādīšanu uz MAC ierīcēm atrodama šeit. |
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NoteImportant! To be able to connect to access the Test environmentEnvironment from a MAC computer, you must be connected to RSU network or to have an active connection to the RSU VPN!. More information about configuring VPN on setting up the RSU VPN on MAC devices can be found here. |
To connect to the test environment:
- Click the Start button or the Windows key on your keyboard and type Remote Desktop Connection in the search box
- The Computer field should be filled in automatically, if not, type
- Press Connect and you will be connected to the Test environment
- Ja nesanāk pievienoties, tad Computer laukā rakstiet testterminal.rsu.lan
- Spiediet Pieslēgties (angliski - Connect) un notiek savienojums ar Testa vidi
- If you can't connect to, then in the Computer field type testterminal.rsu.lan
- Press Connect and you will be connected to the Test environment
- Download the Windows App application from the Apple Store;
- Atveriet Windows App un spiediet uz + → spiediet uz Add PC
- Open the Windows App and click on the + icon in the top right corner → select Add PC.
- Atvērsies jauns lodziņš. Ailītē pretī PC name ievadiet adresi testterminal.rsu.lan un spiediet Add;
- A new window will open. In the field labeled PC name enter the address: testterminal.rsu.lan and click Add;
- Windows App parādīsies testterminal lodziņš. Lai izveidotu savienojumu, nospiediet uz tā un ievadiet savu RSU lietotājvārdu un testa vides paroli → spiediet Continue.
- Kad savienojums veiksmīgs, tad Jums jāievada:
- RSU lietotājvārds (tāpat kā piesakoties jebkurā RSU sistēmā)
- Testa vides parole
- Spiediet Labi (angliski - OK)
Ja esat aizmirsis testa vides paroli, sazinieties ar IT Servisa centru!
- When the connection is successful, you must enter
- RSU user name (same as for logging in any RSU system)
- Test environment password
Press OK - In the Windows App, a testterminal window will appear. To establish a connection, click on it and enter your RSU username and the Test Environment password → click Continue.
If you have forgotten the test environment Test Environment password, please contact the IT Service center!
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Lai pieslēgtos testa terminālim no DirectAccess portatīvā datora, kā adresi laukā Computer jānorāda testterminal.rsu.lan un lietotājvārds jānorāda bez domēna (bez rsu\ priekšā). Ja pie paroles ievades lietotājvārdam priekšā tā pat parādās domēns rsu\, tad spiediet Vairāk izvēles iespēju (angliski - More choices) jāizvēlas opcija Izmantot citu kontu (angliski - Use a different account) un jāievada lietotājvārds bez domēna. |
To connect to the test terminal from a DirectAccess laptop, specify testterminal.rsu.lan as the address in the Computer field and specify the username without a domain (without rsu\ in front).
If the domain rsu\ appears in front of the username when entering the password, then press More choices, select the Use a different account option and enter the username without the domain.Center!
Sistēmu/ lietotņu atvēršana/ pierakstīšanās:
- Sistēmas/ lietotnes testa vidē var atrast zem tiem pašiem link jeb saitēm, kā produkcijas vidē.
- Pierakstoties būs nepieciešams ievadīt;
- lietotājvārdu (tāpat kā piesakoties jebkurā RSU sistēmā)
- testa vides paroli
- DVS:
- Studējošo portāls:
- E-pakalpojumu portāls:
- Docētāju portāls:
- E-studiju vide "Moodle":
- u.c.
Opening systems/apps/signing in:
- Systems/apps in the test environment can be found under the same links as in the production environment.
- When signing in, you will need to enter;
- username (same as for logging in any RSU system)
- test environment password